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  • YouTube Now Has 2 Billion Monthly Users, Who Watch 250 Million Hours on TV Screens Daily

YouTube Now Has 2 Billion Monthly Users, Who Watch 250 Million Hours on TV Screens Daily

Key details from YouTube’s Brandcast marketing event:
1) 2B+ global users
2) 250M hours/day on CTV3) 70% of viewing time is on mobile

Must read: The New York Times did a deep dive on YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki.

Quick math on YouTube:
1) $20B in 2018 revenue
2) 203M hours of viewing/day
3) 74B hours of viewing/year
4) $0.27 in revenue per viewing hour

Revenue per hour of usage:
1) Facebook — $0.60
2) Instagram — $0.43
3) YouTube — $0.27

Still a WTF: A 7-year old made $22M last year from YouTube ads that ran during videos of him opening toys…


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