Why TV Advertising Is About To Change Forever

Fantastic article that I missed a few weeks back. Read every word.

Quote from Tom Goodwin — EVP, Head of Innovation @ Zenith Media.

Even with my role as tech support to my parents and head of innovation at a Media agency I’ve no idea when I’m watching streamed or broadcast TV, I never know if it’s locally stored or on demand. Yet our industry thrives on terms like VOD, Linear TV, Traditional TV, SVOD, AVOD, terms that have fixed definitions but no meaning.

And when does Video become TV? If TV was once a device we watched it on, what is the defining characteristic in today’s world of devices?

Is it about length, are Daily Show Highlights on YouTube on my TV too short to be TV at 7 mins long?

Is it about the device I use, is the NFL on my phone via Twitter, not TV?

Is it about production quality, is Jimmy Fallon on SnapChat now TV because it’s well made?

Maybe it’s the pipeline, maybe for it to be TV it has to come via Radiowaves, but what of Netflix or Hulu?


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