Why TV Ad Attention Matters


Eight big questions re: TV ad attention:
1) What counts as a video ad view?
2) How can measuring attention improve video advertising?
3) What are the top use cases for measuring attention?
4) Does attention change between streaming and linear TV?
5) Does attention change with age?
6) Does attention change by creative length?
7) Does attention change by position in the pod?
8) Does attention change by frequency?

Big question #1: What counts as a video ad view?

Quick answer: It depends.  Before thinking about viewability and/or attention, each platform defines an impression differently.

Quote from Tim Peterson– Senior Reporter @ Digiday:“What’s a video view? No, seriously. That’s a question that ad buyers are grappling with because the answer is the always-unsatisfying “it depends.”

Big question #2: How can measuring attention improve video advertising?

Quick answer: CPMs would be higher for publishers/platforms with high attention.

Bottom line: 80% of social video ads don’t reach 2.5s.  Without attention, brands don’t grow.

Interesting: This chart shows view time by format  from Facebook.

Quote from Karen Nelson-Field – Founder and CEO @ Amplified Intelligence:

“If the biggest percentage of your ad budget sits below the attention-memory threshold because it’s being spent on lower attention platforms and formats, the money you spend won’t be growing market share.”

Big question #3: What are the top use cases for measuring attention?

Top use cases for attention measurement according to the IAB Australia:
1) Media planning – 63%
2) Programmatic optimization – 49%
3) Ad targeting – 36%
4) Creative adjustments – 34%
5) None – 13%


Smart: Companies like Amplified Intelligence (Disclosure: a portfolio company) are launching media planning products with attention measurement at their core. 

Big question #4: Does attention change between streaming and linear TV?

TV ad attention by delivery according to TVision:
1) Linear – 36%
2) CTV – 34%

Big question #5: Does attention change with age?

Quick answer: Yes.  For the most part, attention paid to advertising increases with age.

Big question #6: Does attention change by creative length?

TV ad attention by creative length according to Yahoo/Publicis:
1) 15s – 48%
2) 30s – 38%
3) 60s – 25%

Big question #7: Does attention change by position in the pod?

TV ad attention by creative:
1) First – 38%
2) Mid – 36%
3) Last – 36%

Big question #8: Does attention change by frequency?

What political ad buyers are reading: Attention peaks at 6-10 impressions, but 85% of ads have yet to hit this point.

The post Why TV Ad Attention Matters appeared first on Cross Screen Media.


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