WarnerBros. Discovery Approach 95M Subscribers


Four big questions re: WarnerBros. Discovery:
1) How many streaming subscribers does WarnerBros. Discovery have?
2) How much money do they currently make from each streaming subscriber?3) How does WarnerBros. Discovery make money from streaming?
4) What share of total TV time does HBO Max account for?

Big question #1: How many streaming subscribers does WarnerBros. Discovery have?

WarnerBros. Discovery streaming subscribers (QoQ growth):
1) 2022-Q1 – 90.4M
2) 2022-Q2 – 92.1M (↑ 2%)
3) 2022-Q3 – 94.9M (↑ 3%)

Big question #2: How much money do they currently make from each streaming subscriber?

Monthly ARPU for WarnerBros. Discovery streaming service:
1) Domestic – $10.66
2) International – $3.68
3) Global – $7.52

Big question #3: How does WarnerBros. Discovery make money from streaming?

WarnerBros. Discovery streaming revenue breakdown:
1) Subscription – 89%
2) Other – 6%
3) Advertising – 5%

Big question #4: What share of total TV time does HBO Max account for?

Quick answer: HBO Max accounts for 1% of total TV time and 4% of streaming TV time.


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