Vizio’s Platform+ Spearheads Q4 Revenue

Vizio Platform+ revenue (YoY growth):
1) 2018 – $36M
2) 2019 – $63M (↑ 74%)
3) 2020 – $147M (↑ 133%)
4) 2021 – $309M (↑ 110%)

Vizio gross profit breakdown (% of total):
1) Platform+ – $211M (65%)
2) Hardware – $116M (35%)
3) Total – $326M

Vizio share of gross profit from platform+ (mostly advertising):
1) 2019 – 24%
2) 2020 – 38%
3) 2021 – 65%

Vizio profit margin by product type:
1) Platform+ – 68%
2) Hardware – 6%

Vizio Smartcast (AVOD) accounts (YoY growth):
1) 2018 – 3.6M
2) 2019 – 7.6M (↑ 111%)
3) 2020 – 12.2M (↑ 61%)
4) 2021 – 15.1M (↑ 24%)

Vizio Smartcast hours (YoY growth):
1) 2019 – 4.5B
2) 2020 – 12.3B (↑ 173%)
3) 2021 – 14.6B (↑ 18%)

Vizio Smartcast monthly revenue per account (YoY growth):
1) 2019 – $0.61
2) 2020 – $1.08 (↑ 78%)
3) 2021 – $1.81 (↑ 67%)

Vizio Smartcast revenue per hour (YoY growth):
1) 2019 – $0.014
2) 2020 – $0.012 (↓ 15%)
3) 2021 – $0.021 (↑ 77%)

Revenue/hour in 2021 (YoY growth):
1) Roblox – $0.066 (↑ 7%)
2) Roku – $0.031 (↑ 45%)
3) Vizio – $0.021 (↑ 77%)



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