Time To ‘Do More Digital’ — But Rationally, Not Blindly

Quote from Dave Morgan — CEO @ Simulmedia.“Problems with viewability, fraud and bots have been just a few of the unintended consequences of doing more digital without really understanding what might happen if budgets for “programmatic” were increased tenfold without understanding where the inventory could come from — particularly CPMs that seemed too cheap to believe (and were).”

75% of viewing on Hulu is done through a connected television.

Recurring questions in this week’s edition:
1) How do we define “TV”? Is it about content or delivery?
2) How do we measure TV and digital together?

Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR) will be used to count every viewer of every ad on every device for Hulu campaigns moving forward.

Our thought. Look for Nielsen DAR to gain steam as more agencies and networks adopt it as a currency for linking television and digital advertising.

The major shift in advertising over the next five years will be the use of data to compare and optimize a brand’s investment between television and digital advertising.


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