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The TV Ad Industry Agrees It’s Ready for an Overhaul, According to New Survey

91% of TV execs said they are personally enthusiastic to try new technology to change the TV ad industry according to a new study from Videa.

% concerned that organization will not be able to keep up:
1) Media reps — 68%
2) Media agencies — 50%
3) TV stations — 39%

Quote from Shereta Williams — President @ Videa:“This change is going to happen and it’s not about technology replacing people, it’s about transforming how people do their jobs and transforming the ability to use their advertisements to put their messages in front of the right people in all of these touch points in a meaningful way,”

Read the full study here.

Key stats for current programmatic efforts w/ Videa:
1) Markets — 96
2) Stations — 188
3) Stations/Market — 2
4) Households — 69m
5) Annual ad impressions — 432b

Local video ad spend in 2022 (% of total):
1) Television: $29.8B (80%)
2) Digital: $5.3B (14%)
3) Other: $2.0B (6%)


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