The Nielsen Local Watch Report (August 2019)

Share of households with connected-TV according to Nielsen:
1) 2017 – 51%
2) 2018 – 59%
3) 2019 – 65%

Monthly reach by year (% of adults):
1) 2017 – 95.9M (40%)
2) 2018 – 115.1M (48%)
3) 2019 – 134.2M (56%)

Monthly reach by age group:
1) 18-34 – 64%
2) 25-54 – 65%
3) 55+ – 42%

Streamers vs. non-streamers:
1) Age – 50 vs. 62
2) Income – $69K vs. $45K
3) College education – 43% vs. 31%

Daily time spent w/ video:
1) Non-Streamer – 5h 31m
2) Streamer – 4h 28m


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