Getting Cross-Platform Measurement Off the Sidelines

Well-written analysis on why developing a common cross-screen currency is important despite challenges.

The industry standard for “impression/view” today:
1) Linear TV — Viewer must watch majority of given minute of content/ad
2) Digital — Content/ad renders

Quote from Jessica Hogue — SVP, Product Leadership @ Nielsen.“This challenge of comparing unlike things is not unique to media. With the World Series in play, it’s timely to look at baseball’s sabermetrics for inspiration (or caution). The metric WAR (wins above replacement) facilitates comparisons of players of different positions and skills by summing up their total contribution to the game. It integrates hitting, pitching, defense or running bases. WAR isn’t a precise metric. It suffers from vagaries, error rates and lots of teeth-gnashing about how to improve.”

We love the baseball analogy. One player may hit more home runs versus another who plays better defense, but the players should be ranked by their ability to create incremental “wins” against the standard (replacement player) at their position.

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