DNC, RNC Find Common Ground In Lower Convention Ratings

The conventions are behind us, and now it is all out 60+ day sprint until Election Day.

Big question #1: How did viewership compare to past cycles?

Quick answer: Viewership on TV was down for both the DNC and RNC.

RNC TV viewership for night four (YoY growth) according to Nielsen:
1) 2008 – 39.0M
2) 2012 – 30.6M (↓ 22%)
3) 2016 – 32.2M (↑ 5%)
4) 2020 – 23.8M (↓ 26%)

DNC TV viewership for night four (YoY growth):
1) 2008 – 38.4M
2) 2012 – 35.7M (↓ 7%)
3) 2016 – 29.8M (↑ 17%)
4) 2020 – 24.6M (↓ 17%)

Change in viewership for night four between 2008-20:
1) RNC – ↓ 15.2M (↓ 39%)
2) DNC – ↓ 13.8M (↓ 36%)

Big question #2: Does this matter?

Quick answer: Unlikely.  A massive shift in video consumption habits have occurred over the past 4+ years, and I would not be surprised if more people watched convention content than ever with social/digital factored in.  All signs (fundraising, mid-term turnout, etc.) point to massive turnout in the fall.

PSA: ≈ $3B in video advertising dollars will flow through politics over the next 60 days!


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