Cord-Cutting Explodes in Q1 as Pay-TV Sector Delivers Worst-Ever Losses

QoQ change in pay-TV subscribers according to MoffettNathanson:
1) Traditional pay-TV – ↓ 1.8M
2) Streaming pay-TV – ↓ 341K
3) Total pay-TV – ↓ 2.1M

YoY change in subscribers:
1) Traditional pay-TV – ↓ 8%
2) All pay-TV – ↓ 5%
3) Satellite pay-TV – ↓ 14%
4) Streaming pay-TV – ↓ 5%
5) Cable pay-TV – ↓ 4%

QoQ subscriber change for Comcast:
1) Traditional pay-TV – ↓ 409K
2) Broadband – ↑ 477K

Bottom line: Broadband subscribers are more profitable compared to traditional pay-TV subscribers.  The future for companies like Comcast is broadband, targeted advertising, and D2C video services (Peacock, etc.).


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