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  • Converting to Convergence: 83% of Ad Buyers Now Plan TV and Digital Together

Converting to Convergence: 83% of Ad Buyers Now Plan TV and Digital Together

Share of buying firms that have converged video buying into a single team according to the IAB:
1) 2017 – 40%
2) 2018 – 46%
3) 2019 – 61%

Share of video buying/planning functions that have converged into a single team:
1) Planning – 83%
2) Optimization – 74%
3) Reporting/Insights – 67%
4) Buying/Execution – 66%

Benefits of video ad buying/planning convergence:
1) Cost-efficient – 57%
2) Optimization – 47%
3) Cross-Screen measurement – 44%
4) Incremental reach – 43%

Challenges facing video ad buying/planning convergence:
1) Tracking/reporting – 38%
2) No single reach/frequency – 31%
3) Buyer/Seller silos – 29%


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