Ampersand Launches Solution To Simplify Advanced TV Buying

Big news #1: Ampersand (formerly NCC Media) launched the AND platform offering planning and measurement for advanced TV campaigns.

Key details for Ampersands AND platform:
1) Currently a managed service
2) Self-serve software launching in late 2020
3) 85M households
4) 120 cable networks
5) Set-top box data from 40M households (Comcast, Cox, and Charter)
6) 80 pre-loaded audience segments

Big news #2: Cadent acquired 4INFO and will be adding the device graph to their advanced TV offering.

Smart move: Both are a signal that the silos separating video advertising are coming down, and the future for $114B+ in video advertising is cross screen and audience-based.

Quote from Nick Troiano – CEO @ Cadent:
“This is really an extension to what we’ve been offering…It’s an acceleration to finding those audiences in other platforms, which is necessary for massive dollars to ultimately shift to advanced TV.”

Share of projected linear TV spend using advanced TV data according to FreeWheel:
1) 2019 – 41%
2) 2020 – 47%


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